Bachelor of Social Work program (BSW)
Bachelor of Social Work program (BSW)

BSW (Bachelor of Social Work)Syllabus
BA in Social Work is a fully-fledged program under the Faculties of Humanities and Social Sciences of Tribhuvan University. It is a 4 years program to enter the field of professional Social Worker. The major aim of the BSW Course in Nepal is to produce generalist social workers to fulfill the needs of contemporary Nepal as well as the world. In order to achieve this goal, TU offers altogether 8 papers including compulsory fieldwork, research work, academic writing, and report writing courses in different years.
Students must complete major research works, academic writings, report writings, and compulsory field works to graduate successfully. Major subjects of social work include some compulsory subjects like Nepali, English, Nepal Studies, and academic writings, and optional subjects in the third and fourth years. Knowledge of psychological perspectives is valued more nowadays. In four years of bachelors’ course in Psychology, students must complete seven major papers which are foundational and core courses. Every year there are 5 different subjects. Every subject carries 70% from theoretical (written exam) and 30% from the practical (internal evaluation) portion. Both English and Nepali mediums can be used while appearing for the TU Board Examination.
Objectives of Bachelor of Social Work course
Bachelor in Social work is more of a practical subject than a theoretical one. All the subjects of four-year courses are designed to impart up-to-date knowledge of basic theories and methods of Social Work to students along with skills developed through intensive fieldwork. It provides general skilled human resources for social work in the context of Nepal. It nurtures students in the arena of human rights and social justice. Thus, the overall objective of this level is to produce skilled human resources through developing professional skills among the students of this discipline at a balanced level with those of other countries. Specifically, a bachelor level course starts, firstly, preparing social workers by making them understand the basic concepts of Social Work including its principles, methods, and relevant practices. Secondly, it develops the capability to carry out research to identify the problems faced by the community people and make out possible solutions to those problems. Thirdly, the course develops the ability to identify major social problems in the context they are situated in. Fourthly, the service system is introduced to manage and utilize it to solve the problem among those affected people. Lastly, self-awareness is developed in relation to one’s own capability responding to problem situations.
Admission Requirements for BSW
A student holding a higher secondary level degree (+2, PCL, or any) in any of the subjects recognized by Tribhuvan University is considered eligible to apply for admission at the bachelor level.
Career and Scope
Nepal is one of the developing countries. In a country like Nepal People are socially backward and there is a scope of this course. so that the scope of the BSW course is good in Nepal. Many of the students choose an abroad study as their destiny for higher studies in social work. Those who wish to go abroad for higher studies will be eligible to get scholarships from renowned universities. There are six fields of social work like advocacy, broker, counselor, mediator, change agent, and researcher. And the nation gains expertise in these six fields of social work. The BSW graduates can get employment in different NGOs/INGOs, academic sector, media sector (radio, television, news agencies), and research institutions. The BSW graduate can do a Master of Social Work (MSW) for further study.
Year | Paper | Code No. | Title of Course | Full Marks | Remarks |
First | 1 | SW 421 | Introduction to Social Work | 100 | Required |
2 | SW 422 | Basic Sociology for Social Work | 100 | Required | |
Second | 3 | SW 423 | Basic Psychology for Social Work | 100 | Required |
4 | SW 424A | Social Case Work Practice | 50 | Required | |
SW 424B | Social Work Practice with Groups | 50 | Required | ||
Third | 5 | SW 425 | Social Issues and Leadership Development | 100 | Required |
6 | SW 410 | Social Issues and Leadership Development | 100 | Elective | |
Fourth | 7 | SW 426 | Theoretical Ideologies of Social Work | 100 | Required |
8 | SW 427 | Social Problem, Identifications, and Interventions | 100 | Required |
Note: The courses in the third year and fourth year are proposed. The title of these courses can be changed while developing detailed content later.
Distribution of Psychology Course
Year | Paper | Code No. | Title of Course |
First | I | PSY 421 | Introduction to Psychology |
II | PSY 422 | Social Psychology | |
Second | III | PSY 423 | Adolescence and Juvenile Delinquency |
IV | PSY 424 | Abnormal Psychology | |
Third | V | PSY 425 | Psychosocial Counseling |
Fourth | VI | PSY 426 | Industrial and Organizational Psychology |
VII | PSY 427 | Research Methods and Academic Writing |
Elective Papers
Year | Paper | Code No. | Title of Course |
Third | PSY 410 | Elective- General Psychology |