Bachelor of Business Management (BBM)
Bachelor of Business Management (BBM)

BBM(Bachelor of Business Management)
Bachelor of Business Management is four years eight semesters program of Tribhuvan University. The syllabus designed for BBM ensures a flexibility in learning with touchpoints of business tool courses, business foundation courses, computer courses, focus and elective subjects during sixteen weeks of an intensive studies.Besides the syllabus also channel towards innovation Management and experential learning.The eight semesters program is 120 credit hours of studies. Students for successful enrollment have to pass CMAT entrance exam conducted by Faculty of Management and secure atleast 40 percent marks to qualify for BBM.
It is four years eight semesters course of 120 credit hours. BBM course is grouped into Business tool course 36 credit hours, Business Foundation course 60 credit hours, focus area courses 15 credit hours, electives 9 credit hours, Project and report writing 6 credit hours, and Internship six credit hours.
1st Semester
- ECO 211: Introductory Microeconomics
- ENG 211: English I
- MGT 201: Principles of Management
- MTH 211: Business Mathematics I
- SOC 201: Sociology for Business
2nd Semester
- ACC 201: Financial Accounting
- ECO 212: Introductory Macroeconomics
- ENG 212: English II
- MTH 212: Business Mathematics II
- PSY 201: Psychology
3rd Semester
- ACC 211: Computer Based Financial Accounting
- ENG 213: Business Communications
- FIN 211: Basic Finance
- SOC 202: Nepalese Society and Politics
- STT 211: Business Statistics
4th Semester
- ACC 313: Accounting for Decision Making
- FIN 312: Financial Management
- MGT 313: Human Resource Management
- ACC 314: Taxation in Nepal
- RCH 311: Business Research Methods
5th Semester
- MKT 311: Fundamentals of Marketing
- MGT 314: Legal Environment of Business
- OPR 311: Introduction to Operation Management
- MGT 203: Organizational Behavior
- Focus Area Course I
6th Semester
- MGT 315: Business Environment in Nepal
- MGT 316: Introduction to International Business
- COM 312: Database Management
- Focus Area Course II
7th Semester
- ITC 311: E-Commerce
- MGT 317: Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
- Elective Course I
- Focus Area Course III
8th Semester
- MGT 318: Business Strategy
- MGT 351: Internship
- Elective Course II
- Elective Course III
- Focus Area Course V
- Focus Area Course IV
- Focus Area Courses
- Elective Areas